The Importance of Connecting Children to Nature

Children and Nature  
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    As a parent, you have probably heard on many different occasions how important it is for your child to spend time outdoors playing, discovering, and exploring. You may, however, not fully understand the vitality of time spent outdoors. Admittedly, sticking your child in front of a screen is a way easier option for keeping your children entertained. There are minimal risks, and it allows you as parents to get things accomplished without constantly supervising them. However, it is commonly known, especially now with Covid-19, that children spend far too much time sitting in front of screens, with their eyes glued to the newest episode of their favourite TV show, or the next level on their favourite game, or even the next lesson provided by their teacher; and less time exploring the wonders of the outside world. Don't get me wrong, technology can be a great educational tool for learning how to read, spell, or even learning essential mathematical skills. However, nothing can beat the educational tools and developmental skills derived from a child spending time outside. While outside, your child not only retrieves essential vitamins from the sun as they enjoy the fresh air, but they also learn about animals, plants, and the sounds that nature creates, allowing them to explore, wonder, and develop. Providing your child with time away from technology, introducing them to the world of nature will greatly benefit their development in all domains; physically, emotionally, cognitively, and linguistically. Yes, there are many unknowns when allowing your child to play outside along with many fears, such as poison ivy, bees, injuries, etc.; however, these unknowns/fears do not, in any way, outweigh the positive effects that the outdoors has on your child. 

Why is the Connection Between Your Child and Nature So Important? 
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"Nature is vital to children's healthy development while supporting their learning"- Tamara Faires, 2021

The connection that your child has with nature is vital to their optimal learning and development. There are an endless amount of benefits that come from introducing your child to nature, as it allows them to explore, wonder and discover. While outside, your child will be surrounded by many species of plants, trees, bugs, and animals, allowing them to learn about the cycle of life and all that mother nature has to offer. "Nature embeds teaching within it so that when children are engaged in outdoor play in and with nature, the learning opportunities are bountiful" (Faires, 2021, slide 3). Faires goes on to say that, "Nature provides countless opportunities for discovery, creativity, problem-solving, and STEM education" (slide 4). Allowing your child to interact with nature allows them to engage their imaginative thinking and curiosity. They will begin to ask open-ended questions relating to all that they have discovered. These open-ended questions will inspire them to experiment and dive deeper into the world of nature, trying to find the answers to the many questions that they have. Introducing your child to nature also has many other benefits that will positively impact their lives. Nature provides: learning in all domains (physically, cognitively, socially/emotionally, linguistically), healthy brain development, child-initiated and directed activities, and it provides for a great stress reliever (Faires, 2021). Lastly, your child's connection also helps them develop respect for the earth and living things (Faires, 2021). When your child begins to develop this respect, they are more likely to want to learn more and engage in further discovery to find out all that they can, and it will help them care for not only the humans in their lives but also the animals' plants. 

Learning Experiences in Nature 
                    This photo was retrieved on January 27th, 2021, from
Now that you understand how important the connection between your child and nature is, you may be wondering, "What activities/learning experiences can I create for my child outside?" Although nature in itself is a great teacher, providing discovery, wonderment, and exploration, there are many activities that you, as a parent, can do with your child to spark even more curiosity and keep the learning going. One activity that I believe would be great for you and your child would be starting a garden outside in your yard. According to Early Learning Furniture (2017), "Gardening offers so many fun and interesting opportunities for children and teaches them invaluable lessons. They can learn about the different species of plants and what those plants need to help them grow. They also get to learn about the different seasons, weather and the effects they have on the plants" (para.2&3). By starting a garden with your child, you allow them to learn and connect with nature through a hands-on experience. They will learn about different flowers, plants, and insects that live within the soil of the garden. Furthermore, they will learn about how weather can affect how their plants/flowers grow and what it takes to keep these plants alive. Gardening not only teaches your child about the cycle of life in plants, flowers, and insects, but it also provides them with an opportunity to learn about different shapes and colours (Early Learning Furniture, 2017). If your family does not have a large enough yard to create a garden, may I suggest planting flowers inside, with planters, creating an inside garden? This, although it may not create the same exact learning experience as being in the outdoors would, will still allow your child to connect with nature on a whole new level. This is an excellent learning experience. It allows you as parents to connect with your child while engaging in a nature-filled learning experience that sparks curiosity, discovery, and wonderment in your child. 

    How Will Your Child's Learning Benefit You?  
                    This photo was retrieved on January 27th, 2021, from suggests-1488738.

Allowing your child to spend time outside not only benefits them but also you as parents. The learning and play that engages your child while outside can help you better understand your child. These outdoor experiences can also help you to become better connected with nature while participating in different activities with your child. There are many beneficial tips that you can take from your child as they explore the outdoor world, and in some cases, these experiences that your child engages in will help you to better respect nature and all that it has to offer. 


Early Learning Furniture. (2017, July 7). Benefits of gardening with kids. ELF. 

Faires, T. (2021). The importance of connecting children to nature. Algonquin College. {Powerpoint Slides}. 


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