
Showing posts from March, 2021

... Farewell, Maybe?

 What would you like to see?  Dear parents and readers,       If you are reading this, you have most likely been following along on my journey through a Second year ECE course: Math and Science, as either my professor: scrolling through my endless words, checking yes or no in the grading column; as a fellow peer: attempting to grasp an understanding of the assignments or as a curious parent or interested fellow ECE. Sadly, this course has come to an end. However, I am thinking about keeping this blog going, expanding beyond science and math, into the world of arts, crafts, dramatic play, etc... with the intended goal of educating parents and promoting ideas for fellow ECE's. I would love to hear your thoughts... ANY SUGGESTIONS?! what YOU would LIKE to see? Post in the comments below, let me know your thoughts! - lauren 

A Story Walk For Your Children

 Jillian Jiggs To The Rescue Hey there! For a school assignment, I had to create a story walk for children based on my choosing book. I have posted a video of my story walk. Please feel free to use this with your children! How Does This Story Walk Support STEM?                  Along with science and math (as explained in my presentation), my story walk also supports engineering. The aspect of engineering appears through the creative art activity I created regarding creating their own Monster Machine. Through this experience, children may decide to make their Monster Machine blueprints, deciding upon what to place where and how to build it. Through this, your child will most likely engage in problem-solving, attempting to figure out what materials to use to ensure that their machine is sturdy enough to withhold the weight of the monster. Next, they will engage in building their machine, which in itself is included in the idea of engineer...

Baking With STEM for Children

 Baking With STEM For Children  This photo was retrieved on March 19th, 2021, from  Throughout the past few weeks, I have given you examples of different activities that you can do with your child involving one aspect of STEM. Today, I have decided to change it up. What about doing an activity/learning experience that integrates all aspects of STEM? I know, it sounds confusing and difficult, right? Well, actually, that isn't the case at all. Did you know that you, as a parent, are actually using all aspects of STEM when you bake cookies? Hahaha! Shocking right? Well, it's true. As you will soon find out, taking the time to bake and/or cook with your child is not only a great bonding experience but also a great learning experience. So let's get to baking! Oh, I almost forgot! SAFETY DISCLAIMER: If you are going to allow your child to engage in this experience, they must be old enough to work and be around h...

Data Displays for Children

 Data Displays for Children  This photo was retrieved on February 27th, 2021, from   Are you a parent of a child who is currently learning about data displays at school? Are they coming home and struggling with their homework? Are you as a parent struggling to properly answer the many questions they may have regarding their data display homework? Well, look no further; I am here to help! In this week's blog, I will explain what data displays are, the different types of data displays used, why data displays are so important for your child's math learning, and how you as parents can help your child by using math language at home.  What are Data Displays?  According to Tamara Faires (2021), Data gathering, Data Display and Data Analysis, a data display "Represents numerical information visually" (slide 3). A data display takes answers from a question and display...